IntegraServ MFG Magazine
To help you achieve this, we take a complete solutions approach with a keen understanding and interest in the people who use technologies and how they will help them accomplish business-critical goals. We also provide reliable, high-quality service to ensure your equipment stays up and running and delivers value long after the purchase. Our technicians are factory trained and have an average of over 20 years of experience in servicing automationanddatacollectionequipment. Combined with our direct relationships with suppliers and manufacturers, this means you get the highest quality service at a significant cost savings. Flexible service agreement options include same day, next business day, corral, time-and-materials (T&M), and depot repair. Contact us to learn more about us and how we can keep your business running seamlessly with superior technologies, supplies and service.
I ntegraServ is a team of technology experts specializing in RFID, barcode and data collection equipment, as well as printers, labels, and tags. Founded in 1993 in the Southeast, IntegraServ has expanded to provide data collection, printing, and automation solutions for businesses across North America. Our team serves as your consultant, providing application expertise, cost analysis, hardware comparison, and after-sale service. We utilize our vast experience and knowledge of business applications, hardware, and service to provide the right solutions for your business. This ensures you get the most reliable and dependable products available. Some technology companies are in business to sell you equipment and attach profitable services. That approach doesn’t help your company truly improve. It overlooks the real purpose of technology, which is to serve the unique needs of each user and help businesses improve their operations, increase efficiency and productivity, reduce errors and waste, and maximize profitability.
7339 West Friendly Avenue, Suite A Greensboro, NC 27410 • 800-233-1474 •
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